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Yoga And Pranayama For Women Part 2

 In our first part Yoga And Pranayama For Women Part 1 we read about different phases and their hormonal variations. Now we are gonna learn about some complication during these phases of women life and how to tackle these situations with the help of Yoga and Pranayama (Breathing Exercises).

Uterine Prolapse

One of the major structural impairment is the prolapse of uterus. Yogic postures like whole body postures (sarvaangaasana) and serpent posture (bhujangaasana) will strengthen the ligamenats and muscles of and around the uterus. These yogic postures improve the blood circulation to the internal organs of the pelvis.  Almost all yogic postures mentioned here can be practiced to prevent the chance of uterine prolapse and to cure it. Some yogic postures having specific effects on uterine prolapse are given below.

  1. Lotus Posture ( Padmaasana)
  2. Yogic Signet ( Yoga mudraa)
  3. Diamond posture ( Vajrasana)
  4. Bovine Face Posture ( Gomukhasana)
  5. knee head Posture ( Jaanu-seershasana) – muscle strengthening
  6. Crocodile Posture ( Maker-asana) – Relaxing Posture
  7. Serpent posture ( Bhujanga asana)
  8. Half Butterfly Posture( Aardha salabaasana) – Positioning of uterus
  9. Half Spinal Posture ( Arddha-merudanda-aasana)
  10. Flatus Liberating Posture (Pavana-mukta-aasana)
  11. Whole Body Posture ( Sarvaanga-aasana) Repositioning of uterus sudden effect
  12. Fish Posture ( Satsyaasana)

Meditation :

1.The base cycle (Mooladhaara)

2.The Sacral Cycle ( Svaadhisthaana) meditation

Hot Flushes

Another complication of Menopause. Caused Due to hormonal Variations.

Yogic Postures :

Sun Salute (Soorya – Namaskaara)  will increase blood circulation. It results in warming up of the body and induce sweating. Sweating Removes toxins from the body and evaporation of the sweat cools down the body.

Breathing Exercises ( Pranayama) :

Cooling breathing exercise like refrigerant breathing (Seetalee), hissing breathing (Seetkaree) and teeth lock breathing (Sadantee) are other good options to regulate the body temperature. These will cool down the internal organs  and the body as a whole. It will also cool and stimulate the nervous system and control hormone levels.

Meditation :

Meditation of the sacral cycle  ( Svaadhishtaana )  and the borrow cycle (Aanjaa cakra) will cool the body.

Conclusion :

We have seen that yoga can help you to control the problems of menopause and their consequences. you will have to consult a yoga expert to choose the postures and practices most suited for  you and your problem and to guide you how to execute them in the most scientific manner. PRACTICING YOGA WITHOUT GUIDANCE IS NOT ADVISABLE.

Some Specific Yogic Postures Suitable For Ladies :



  1. Half cycle posture (Arch cakra-asana) – Thyroid Function Test
  2. Back Elevated Posture ( Pascimottaanaasana) – Mid abdominal muscle strengthening thyroid stimulation
  3. Half Fish-King Posture ( Arddha – matsyendra- aasana) – systemic problems, hormonal fluctuations, diabetic myelitis and cholesterol.
  4. Docile diamond posture ( Supta- vajraasana) – strengthening uterine muscles, digestive system, nervous system, mental stress and constipation.
  5. Whole body posture ( Sarvaanga-aasana) : For all systemic and psychic problems.
  6. Cyclic posture ( Cakraasana) : Hormonal regulation , back bone strengthening.
  7. Hand Foot Posture ( Paada- hastaasana)
  8. Triangle Posture ( Trikonaasana)
  9. Camel posture ( Ushtra-aasana)
  10. Spinal Posture ( Meru-danda-aasana)


These are Some knowledge about how women body needs yoga and pranayama according to different stages of their life  by Dr Arora and Team. Hope you like this info. Please share this info to your friends and loved ones and helps them living a healthy life. Ask your Question in Comment section or email us at consult@drarorahealthtips.com. Your Problems Our Privacy.

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